Frequently Asked Questions

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We have Answers

Getting Started

Ambassador Program Setup

Activities and Rewards

Groups and Segmentation

Program Management and Performance Tracking

Support and Updates

Privacy and Security

Ambassador App

Creator Hub

Company Center

Getting Started

What is an ambassador?
An ambassador is an individual, often a social media influencer or content creator, who represents and promotes a brand in exchange for rewards, recognition, or other benefits.
What is an activity?
An activity is a task assigned to ambassadors by a business, such as creating social media posts, sharing content, or generating user-generated content, which they complete to earn points and rewards.
What is a reward?
A reward is an incentive offered by a business to its ambassadors for successfully completing activities. Rewards can include free products, discounts, gift cards, cash payments, and other benefits.

Ambassador Program Setup

How do ambassadors sign up for my program?
Ambassadors can sign up for your program either by visiting a dedicated landing page or through an embedded signup form on your website.
Can I integrate Social Strudel with my existing website?
Yes, you can integrate Social Strudel by linking to a dedicated landing page or embedding a signup form directly on your website.
How do I approve or decline new applicants for my ambassador program?
Social Strudel notifies you of new applicants, allowing you to review and approve or decline them based on your desired criteria.

Activities and Rewards

What kind of rewards can I offer to my ambassadors, and how can I customize them?
You can offer various rewards such as free products, discounts, gift cards, cash payments, and more. You can create custom rewards tailored to your brand and ambassadors' preferences.
Which types of rewards can I create?
You can create custom rewards such as free products, discounts, gift cards, cash payments, exclusive access to events, and other unique incentives that align with your brand and appeal to your ambassadors.
Which kinds of activities can ambassadors complete to earn points?
Ambassadors can complete various activities, including creating and sharing social media posts, making YouTube videos, writing blog articles, and generating user-generated content, among others.
Can businesses create their own activities for influencers to complete?
Yes, businesses can create custom activities tailored to their marketing goals and specific to their brand, product, or service.
What are the supported social media platforms for assigning activities?
Social Strudel currently integrates with Instagram, Facebook, Tiktok, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Reddit, Youtube, X (Twitter), Twitch, and Snapchat. We are always working on new integrations to stay up to date with the latest trends.
Can I set limits and expiration dates on activities for my ambassadors?
Yes, you can set limits on activity completion frequency and expiration dates to ensure timely and relevant engagement from your ambassadors.

Groups and Segmentation

What are groups and how do they help in segmenting ambassadors in Social Strudel?
Groups are categories within Social Strudel that allow you to organize and segment your ambassadors based on specific criteria, such as audience size, niche, region, or other factors. This segmentation helps you target specific activities and rewards to the most suitable ambassadors, ensuring an efficient and effective program.
How can I create and manage groups within Social Strudel?
To create and manage groups, simply navigate to the groups section within your Social Strudel dashboard. From there, you can add new groups, assign ambassadors, set group-specific activities and rewards, and monitor the performance of each group.
Can I assign different activities and rewards to different groups?
Yes, Social Strudel allows you to assign specific activities and rewards to each group. This flexibility helps you tailor your program to better suit the needs and preferences of different ambassador segments, maximizing engagement and results.
How does segmenting ambassadors into groups benefit my Ambassador Program?
Segmenting ambassadors into groups allows you to create more targeted and relevant activities and rewards for each group. This customization leads to higher engagement, better ambassador satisfaction, and more effective marketing efforts, ultimately improving the overall performance of your Ambassador Program.

Program Management and Performance Tracking

How user-friendly is the Social Strudel platform for both businesses and influencers?
Social Strudel is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive for both businesses and influencers, offering a seamless experience for managing and participating in ambassador programs.
How much time and effort is required from my team to manage and maintain the program?
The time and effort required will vary based on the size of your program and your desired level of involvement. However, Social Strudel streamlines the management process, making it easier for your team to oversee and maintain the program.
Can I customize the program to cater to my company's specific industry or niche?
Yes, you can customize activities, rewards, and branding to better align with your company's specific industry or niche. Social Strudel's flexibility allows you to tailor the program to suit your unique marketing needs and goals.
How can I track the success of my program and measure the impact of my ambassadors' efforts?
Social Strudel provides powerful reporting features that allow you to monitor your program's performance, including top-performing social channels, groups, and individual ambassadors. You can sort data by date range and view granular reports to help you measure the impact of your ambassadors' efforts and identify areas for improvement.
Can I set up multiple campaigns for different product lines or services within Social Strudel?
Yes, you can create and manage multiple campaigns, each tailored to specific product lines or services, to target the right influencers and audiences.
Can I search for and recruit brand ambassadors directly through the Social Strudel platform?
While Social Strudel's primary focus is to help businesses manage and engage with their existing network of micro and macro influencers, you can also navigate to the Creator Hub on your Dashboard to view ambassadors looking for companies to work with.
How can I encourage my ambassadors to remain active and engaged in the program?
By offering a variety of activities and rewards that cater to your ambassadors' interests, you can keep them motivated and engaged. Regular communication, feedback, and recognition can also help maintain ambassador interest.

Support and Updates

What customer support options are available if I need assistance using Social Strudel?
Social Strudel offers various customer support options, including email, live chat, and a comprehensive knowledge base, to help you get the most out of the platform.
How often are new features and updates rolled out for the Social Strudel platform?
Social Strudel is committed to continuous improvement and regularly releases new features and updates to enhance the platform and provide an even better experience for users.
How can I provide feedback or suggest new features for Social Strudel?
Social Strudel welcomes user feedback and feature suggestions. You can submit your ideas through our customer support channels or contact us here.

Privacy and Security

Does Social Strudel share or sell my company's information with third parties?
No, Social Strudel values your privacy and does not share or sell your company's information with any third parties.
Is my ambassadors' personal information safe with Social Strudel?
Yes, Social Strudel takes privacy seriously and is committed to protecting your ambassadors' personal information. Their data is not shared or sold to any third parties.
How does Social Strudel ensure data privacy and security for its users?
Social Strudel follows industry best practices to safeguard the privacy and security of its users' data. By implementing strict security measures and adhering to privacy regulations, Social Strudel ensures that your information and your ambassadors' information remain protected.
What measures does Social Strudel take to protect the information of its users from unauthorized access?
Social Strudel employs multiple layers of security measures, including encryption, access controls, and regular security audits, to protect your information and your ambassadors' information from unauthorized access and ensure that it is not shared or sold to any third parties.

Ambassador App

Is the Social Strudel Ambassador App available on both iOS and Android devices?
Yes, the Ambassador App is available for download on the Apple App Store for iOS devices and Google Play for Android devices.
Are there any costs associated with downloading the Ambassador App?
The Ambassador App is free to download for both iOS and Android devices.

Creator Hub

What is the Creator Hub?
The Creator Hub is a dedicated space on Social Strudel where new social media content creators can sign up to be discovered by companies looking for ambassadors. It's available to creators who haven't joined any company yet.
Can I join the Creator Hub at any time?
Creators can sign up for the Creator Hub when they first join Social Strudel. If you skip this step, you can always return via the Notifications menu (bell icon) on the Social Strudel mobile app. Once you're approved by a company, you will be removed from the Creator Hub.
What happens after I get approved by a company?
Once you're approved by a company, you'll become their official ambassador and will no longer have access to the Creator Hub. This is to ensure a dedicated partnership between the creator and the company.

Company Center

How does the Company Center work?
The Company Center lists available companies that are looking for ambassadors. Creators who have not been approved by any company yet can apply to these companies directly from the Company Center.
Can companies choose not to be listed in the Company Center?
Yes, companies can toggle their visibility in the Company Center on or off at any time through their Profile Settings. This gives them control over their participation and visibility to potential ambassadors.
Is there a limit on how many invitations a company can send to a creator?
While there's currently no limit on the number of invitations a company can send, Social Strudel ensures that companies can only send one invitation to each creator every 60 days. Companies can invite anyone they want, as long as they know how to contact them via email.
What Information Is Displayed About My Company in the Company Center?
In the Company Center, the following information about your company will be listed: Name, Logo (enterprise plan only), Location, Category, and Required Social Media Platform. You can edit this at any time in your Company Profile.

Getting Started

Ambassador Program Setup

Activities and Rewards

Groups and Segmentation

Program Management and Performance Tracking

Support and Updates

Privacy and Security

Ambassador App

Creator Hub

Company Center
